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Moving Forward
Scholarship & Grant Program

Foster Pantry hopes to make a positive impact on youth who are Aging Out of Foster Care by awarding scholarships and grants up to $1000 that are aimed at assisting them with life after foster care whether they are attending college, obtaining a new skill or trade, enlisting in the military, entering the job force or obtaining a new job/career/promotion.

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Foster Pantry's mission is to ease the transtions of foster care. The Moving Forward Program provides assistance to our Aging Out Youth as they transition into adulthood. 

Youth preparing to transition can apply for a Moving Forward Scholarship up to $1000.

Social Workers and Guardian ad Litems can nominate youth for a Healthy Blue Moving Forward Grant up to $500



Expenses associated with attending college and continuing education. 

(Books, Supplies, Meal Plan, Transportation)


Expenses associated with obtaining new housing. 

(Deposits, Furnishings)

New Career or Promotion

Expenses associated with a new career, job or promotion.

(Clothing, Shoes, Training, Relocation, Childcare)


Expenses associated with transportation to get to and from work or school. 

Learn New Skill
or Trade

Expenses associated with learning a new trade or skill. 

(Tools, Supplies, Training, Certifications)


Expenses associated with enlisting in the Military. 

(Temporary housing, storage unit)


  • Youth who have or have had foster care cases in (New Hanover, Brunswick, Pender, Onslow, Duplin, Bladen & Columbus counties)     - AND -

  • Applicants must be currently in foster care OR aged out of foster care, OR obtained guardianship from foster care after 16 years of age.    - AND -

  • A high school senior (graduating 2022) and/or between the ages of 18 & 21 at the time they apply.

  • Applicants will be verified via the local DHHS agency.



Applications must be submitted by June 6th @ 9 pm



Scholarship recipients will be notified by June 15th

Diversity Students

to our sponsors and donors who have made the 2022 Moving Forward 
Program possible!

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In 2021

We awarded 2 $500 scholarships thanks to a grant from the Landfall Foundation. We also provided all applicants a gift basket and gift card thanks to a sponsorship by Southern Energy Management. 




For 2022

Thanks to donations from our community, and grants from Healthy Blue of NC and the Walmart Foundation, we will provide over $5000 in scholarships in 20 22.


Without the love and support of a family to fall back on, our aged-out youth often find themselves struggling to succeed on their own.

Donate today to provide dignity and hope during this transition. 



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